Send Us Your Stories

Hello Friends! 

We will be posting our final stories on The Kids Write ahead of schedule, with the last stories being posted on Wednesday, June 17.

As a result, we have closed the website to new submissions.

Thanks so much to everyone who has sent in stories, visited the site, and shared it with family and friends (and students).

We’ve loved telling your stories and hope you will continue to write and share your thoughts with the world.


Hey Kids!

If you have permission from a parent to do so, you can send us your story using the form below. Remember to keep it short: around 50 words or so.

If you’re not sure what to write about, here are some ideas:

  • Are you in school right now? (If you are, do you like it? If not, do you miss it?)
  • What’s the weather like today?
  • Where in the world are you writing this from?
  • What are you looking forward to?
  • Have you read any good books / watched any good movies / played any good games lately?
  • How are you feeling about things?
  • What’s your wish for the world?

Hi Parents (and Teachers)!

Thanks for reading this. If you’d like to learn more about this website or why we started it, you can read about that here

I want you to know: I’m a mom, and I take kids’ privacy and safety online very seriously. That’s why I designed this website so that only an administrator (me) can publish posts and approve comments. That ensures that if your kids visit this website, they won’t be exposed to inappropriate material that might have been accidentally or maliciously posted by someone else.

When you or your child fill out the form below, it will be sent to me by email. I will then take their copy and make a new post. The post will include their story, a headline quote chosen by me, and their first name, age, and location (just the name of the city or town). If you are worried about privacy, you can change the name, though I’m hoping we can use accurate locations because I have a goofy plan to eventually plot all these cool posts onto a world map!

I know this sounds like a lot, but I want you to have all the info you need to feel comfortable having your child’s story be a part of this website. To see how it would all look, you can check out a sample story here.